Blog | Magnolia Manor

Top 8 things seniors worry about and how to help

Written by Magnolia Manor | November 19, 2019

The older we get, the more likely we are to start worrying about “what will happen to me if... ” It’s natural to do that, but worry is not productive and it can negatively impact physical and emotional health. With that in mind, here are the top things that concern seniors, along with some ways you can help prevent them or ameliorate their effects for your loved one:

1. Losing Independence
We associate independence with our very identity, which is why so many seniors wait longer than perhaps they should to move into a retirement community. The key to retaining independence as long as possible is using the skills you have. You can help your senior by encouraging them to exercise their mind, their body, their sense of humor, and their spirituality. Staying active and pursuing favorite interests can help head off some of the other key concerns listed below.

2. Not Being Able to Drive
For most Americans, the ability to drive both symbolizes and ensures independence. If your senior can no longer drive, how will they get around to shop, visit the doctor, socialize with friends, attend church and enjoy your community? You can help by making sure your loved one really is still capable of driving. Help them identify local resources that deliver to seniors or provide transportation to those who can no longer safely drive.

3. Being Alone
When the kids have moved away and a spouse has passed away or moved into memory care, for example, loneliness can set in – especially if your loved one can no longer drive. Isolation can raise blood pressure and feelings of vulnerability, and negatively impact physical and mental health. Stop by to visit. Take them out to dinner, for a walk, or to the theater. Encourage them to check out the Senior Center or, if they are still able to drive, volunteer a few hours a month.

4. Declining Health
When you visit, take a moment to assess your loved one’s health status. Ask how they’re doing. Ensure they are making regular visits to their doctor, dentist and eye doctor. Go with them, if need be, to drive and to listen. And ensure they’re getting as much mental and physical exercise as they can. 

5. Loss of Memory
It’s easy to understand why fading mental capabilities are so worrisome. And it can be hard to discern in early stages. Learn the signs/symptoms of dementia, and accompany your loved one to their next appointment to let the doctor know about your concerns. Meanwhile, help your senior stay mentally agile, with discussion and games. Regular activity and healthy eating help, too.

6. Fear of Falling
The fear itself can be debilitating. Poor vision, some medications, low blood pressure, and clutter can all cause falls, so assess your senior’s status with these. Tai Chi or yoga can help build balance, strength and confidence, and a Personal Electronic Monitoring System (PERS) can also add confidence.

7. Safety and Security
Feeling safe and secure at home is crucial to anyone’s well-being. The PERS system noted above can help seniors, as can an alarm system.

8. Running out of Money
This is a very real concern for many aging adults. Our free guide, “Affording Senior Living,” explores ways you can plan as effectively as possible to pay for your retirement years, whether you are now in your 70s or older, or you’re still in your 40s or 50s.

No worries at Magnolia Manor
Moving to Magnolia Manor relieves almost all of these top senior anxieties. No retirement community can “fix” your finances, although your choice of community can help conserve funds and make the most of what you do spend. Our residents can maintain maximum independence in an environment that feels safe, secure, and homey as well as uplifting. We even provide the transportation. Should you need more advanced medical or memory care, we offer that, too.

Want to know what life is like here?
If you’re considering a retirement community for yourself or a beloved parent, we invite you to come for a visit. Join residents for a tasty lunch in our dining room. Give us a call at 1-855-540-LIFE (5433) to schedule a personally guided tour from one of our friendly staff members. And ask questions, lots of questions.