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Senior Living for Veterans

Harold Hicks VA veterans senior living georgia

According to the latest U.S. Census, there are more than 12.4 million veterans over the age of 65 living in our country. At Magnolia Manor, we are indebted to the many men and women who have so bravely served our country. There are many retired veterans and their spouses residing in our eight (8) campuses across southern Georgia, and we are honored that they have chosen to enjoy their senior years with us!

An overview of senior living options for veterans.

There are three (3) main types of senior living for veterans:

5C9A06321. Community senior living campuses. These include standard senior living communities across the country, including Magnolia Manor. They provide a range of options and levels of care for veterans and their spouses, depending on their specific needs. In senior living communities like Magnolia Manor, veterans and their spouses (as well as non-veteran residents) have access to 24/7 care. Veterans who seek residence in these communities are often eligible for benefits from the VA, so that they can live in a community that is close to their current home, or in a preferred location that meets their needs.

2. Veterans Affairs (VA) community living centers. Also known as “VA Nursing Homes,” Veterans Affairs community living centers are nursing homes that are operated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for United States veterans and their spouses. Veterans may visit for a short time, or may choose to reside in VA community living centers for the rest of their lives. There are 134 locations across the United States.

senior living magnolia manor georgia3. State Veterans Homes. Operated by state governments, State Veterans Homes can trace their roots back to the Civil War era, where they provided home and respite for soldiers who found themselves homeless after the war. There are two (2) state veterans homes in Georgia, located in Augusta and Milledgeville. Each year, the VA surveys state veterans homes to ensure they are providing the level of care required by the VA. Resident eligibility for state veterans homes is “based on clinical need and setting availability. Each State establishes eligibility and admission criteria for its homes.”

Benefits and aid available for veterans to reside in senior living communities.

The United States government has programs in place to help fund senior living for veterans and their spouses. Even if you or your loved one left the military before earning a pension check, you may still have financial opportunities available. The VA will provide benefits for senior living care if you meet certain eligibility criteria involving your service connected status, level of disability, and income.

senior living veterans magnolia manor georgiaParticularly, if your loved one or his/her spouse served in the military during designated wartime, they may be eligible for a government benefit that can alleviate a significant portion of senior living costs (even if they did not see combat) at Magnolia Manor or another senior living community. In order to apply, you have to already be living in assisted living or personal care, so it can be a bit tricky. Still, you can get the ball rolling early with paperwork, which can help tremendously and provide you with estimates so that you know how much assistance you may receive. Receiving payment for these benefits can take several months, so be sure to speak with representatives from your desired senior living community to get started.

We would be honored for you to consider life at Magnolia Manor.
For full details on the VA senior living program and eligibility, visit this website, call us at 1-855-540-LIFE or contact us through our website. We encourage you to reach out with any questions or needs. The Magnolia Manor team is here to help!

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