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Heart-Healthy Habits for Seniors

LR Mattie Marshall Valentines Day 2019_0043

“You have the power to take action to protect yourself against heart disease.” So says the National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, and they are so right! February is not only American Heart Month, it’s the month of love, and nothing says love like taking good care of your heart. This is especially important if you’re a senior.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 14.3% of adults aged 65–74 suffer from heart disease, rising to nearly 25% in those 75 and older. The National Institutes of Health reports more alarming numbers – 75% of seniors aged 60-79 and about 86% of those aged 80+. Either way, the message is clear: the older you get, the greater your risk of heart disease.

Taking action to strengthen your muscles, stimulate your circulation and reduce your blood pressure will improve your health, give you more energy, and boost your self-confidence. With all that in mind, here are 7 heart-healthy habits every senior should embrace.

Americus_Valentines Day_80571. Watch what you eat.
You know this, but are you doing it? Your heart wants you to eat nutritious foods that are low in calories. No need to suffer! We’re talking about low-fat dairy products and meats, nuts, and other high-fiber foods such as whole grains. And plenty of fruits and veggies -- did you know the most colorful ones are also the most nutritious? Cut back on sugary foods and beverages and alcohol.

2. Watch your weight.
Extra weight puts more pressure on your heart and all your other internal systems, too, increasing risk of diabetes and cancer. Reaching and maintaining a stable weight in the range that is considered ideal for your age and body type is a lot easier when you follow Tip #1 above. It’s also a lot easier if you follow our next tip . . .

2022 Breast Cancer Awareness Walk (3918) low res3. Move!
Even modest exercise such as walking and gardening is good for you. It’s even better and more fun to pick up the pace with dancing or biking. For those in their 60s or older, doctors recommend 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. You don’t have to do it all at once!

4. Relax!
Chronic stress is dangerous. It can damage your heart, your immune system, and your memory. It increases your blood pressure and risk of depression. Add some of these stress management tips for seniors to your day to give your heart and mind a valuable rest.

Americus Rehab Therapy (9785) (LOW REZ edit)-1 resident in bed5. Get a full share of zzzzzzs.
Deliberately relaxing with yoga, meditation, etc. benefits your mind, body and spirit. But you need real sleep, too – 7 to 9 hours a night if you’re a senior. Sound sleep refreshes your brain and body, whereas lack of sleep increases risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

6. Stop smoking!
You know better, and there are so many ways to get help. Smoking doesn’t only damage your lungs, it inhibits your circulation and stresses your heart. You can do this!

www.magnoliamanor.comhubfsSSI resident-17. Listen to your doc.
If you already have a chronic health condition, make an extra effort to follow doctor’s orders. Skipping or skimping on medications, exercise, self-care, or check-ups will only make things worse.

Heart Smart at Any Age

The sooner you adopt heart-friendly habits, the more you are doing to ensure a healthy future. Here’s a 1-page download you can post on the fridge or the bathroom mirror to remind you how easy it is to take steps toward a healthier heart – one a day for 28 days!

Adult children and grandkids can partner with their beloved seniors (even remotely), learning together and encouraging one another toward maximum heart health at any age.

Senior Wellness at Magnolia Manor

At Magnolia Manor, we focus on the overall well-being of seniors. Our residents thrive with the opportunities we provide for them to participate in physical, mindful, social, and spiritual activities. If you’d like to learn more about senior wellness at any of our nine campuses in south Georgia, contact us at 1-855-540-LIFE.

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